I Was Skeptical of CBD oil….. At First!

For years, I’ve lived with excruciating neck and back pain as a result of a mountain bike accident and working for UPS and FedEx Ground for 15 years. I found out the hard way it’s possible to see stars when hitting a tree HARD. With stars inside my head, the pain went down my neck and back immediately. A friend following behind asked if I could continue? Remembering the leader of our group was a Marine, I knew to reverse course was not an option.  We “marched” on and finally completed the course.  There was no doubt I needed to pay a visit to a medical professional ASAP.  Later in the day, I located a chiropractor in Edmond, OK that specialized in neck and back pain. It’d take many years before discovering the benefits of Hemp-derived CBD oil products to manage pain, increase my ability to concentrate, and provide some of the best sleep I’ve had in years.

The chiropractor suggested 3-5 visits a week but felt in time he’d alleviate the pain and get me back on the trails.  Two years pass and the chiropractor confesses it was time to consult a neurosurgeon. Thankfully, I had insurance!  I had family members that had back surgeries so I wasn’t a big fan after seeing what their quality of life was like afterward.  My back pain seemed to get worse so I was willing to talk to the surgeon to get his thoughts.

From Chiropractor to Neurosurgeon

The doctor prescribed physical therapy since I was against any type of surgery.  Physical therapy helped but I was still in pain. His next recommendation had me cringing, injections!  The idea of inserting a needle into my spine was not something I welcomed.  By this time I was willing to try anything to manage the neck and back pain caused the accident and years of working in the shipping business.  I was assured by the doctor the benefits associated with injections would be immediate. I reluctantly agreed to proceed.

The spinal injections took about 3 hours from start to finish. I left hungry and feeling better!   Not long after that, I bent over to pick up a small pillow while making the bed and that’s when the pain hit me AGAIN!  It felt like Mike Tyson had taken a baseball bat to my back. Collapsing onto the bed I began to wonder if I could live pain-free again.  I managed to roll off the bed and drove to work.

Managing the Back Pain Becomes More Difficult

The back spasms reminded me of a time when I had a kidney stone.  On the way to work one morning, the back pain forced me to pull over.  I contacted my boss and asked if I could PLEASE work from home until the doctor could fix my back.  He agreed and that’s when the next chapter of this painful journey began.

By now, the neurosurgeon was living in Florida and I had to locate a new doctor.  Thankfully, I got a referral from his daughter but it would be a while before Dr. Emily could provide a consultation.  During our “negotiations” I shared I was against surgery and it would be considered only the final option. She agreed and prescribed painkillers, steroids, and more physical therapy.

The painkillers made me sick to my stomach and brought little relief.  By this time, I was fighting the worst case of sciatica and it was virtually impossible to sleep at night.  I felt like my body was starting to fail me. It got to the point I felt I was losing my mind and wondered if I’d ever be without pain again.

That’s when I made the call.  I contacted Dr. Emily and said I was done fighting sciatica, back, and neck pain.  I begged her to operate ASAP!

Back Surgery Success!

The discectomy surgery removed 25% of a disc in my lower back.  Apparently, some nerve endings became entangled inside the disc and it was causing discomfort.  I woke up from surgery and off I went to a hospital room for the remainder of the day. Before leaving the surgery center I needed to prove I could walk unassisted so I maneuvered through the halls with amazement at how great I felt. The pain was nothing like before the surgery.  The painful sciatica was gone and I could sleep through the night without waking and having to stretch every hour. As time went on I healed up but there was always inflammation in my lower back. Sometimes it’d cause cramping in my upper back but it was nothing compared to the pain I had before so I just lived with it.

For two years everything was fine.  My wife was offered a promotion in Fort Worth, TX which meant we’d be leaving Oklahoma City, OK.  We located a house and during the move, my back started hurting again. Sciatica had appeared once again? I asked for a referral from my Midwest City, OK chiropractor and as luck would have it he went to school with a gentleman that was now a chiropractor in Southlake, Texas.  Southlake, TX is about an hour drive from me in Fort Worth, Texas but I figured I’d pay Dr. Nimphius a visit to hear his thoughts.  Dr. Nimphius analyzed the MRI, my lower back, shared what was occurring, and how he would fix it.

Dr. Nimphius, the Southlake chiropractor, gave me a long list of things I needed to do if I was going to get better without surgery.  In my head, I thought it’d never work and another back surgery was in my future. Surprisingly, Dr. Nimphius was able to alleviate the back pain significantly.  BUT, the stiffness in my lower back was still a factor. That’s when he shared the inflammation wasn’t going away and I should try Hemp-based CBD oil because of the inflammation benefits.

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

The first question I asked Dr. Nimphius was “will I test positive for a drug test if I take CBD oil or will it make me high?”  He laughed and adamantly replied “no!” I was highly skeptical of taking it but figured for $50 what did I have to lose?  I shared with friends and family I started taking CBD oil to manage back pain. We shared a great laugh because they thought CBD oil was the equivalent of marijuana and would make you high, which it won’t since it doesn’t contain THC.  After taking it a couple of days I was excited by the benefits I was enjoying. I started sleeping better than I had in years. My concentration is better. Anxiety diminished significantly. Now that I’ve been taking CBD for almost 8 months the stiffness and inflammation in my lower back are greatly diminished.  I admit it’s shocking. I am the biggest skeptic when it comes to natural remedies.  CBD oil worked wonders in my life and that’s why I decided to open an online store because I know if it worked for me it’ll benefit you too.  If not, we offer a money-back guarantee!