CBD Oil (cannabidiol) is one of the most popular natural remedies that has been proven to heal a variety of ailments. It is one of the many chemicals known as cannabinoids which are found in the cannabis plant. Most people associate cannabis with THC, the substance which causes the high when taken, but CBD itself is not psychoactive. Fortunately, scientists have for a while now been able to separate THC from CBD, which is why it is possible to enjoy the massive benefits of the cannabidiol without having to deal with the side effects of THC. Basically, CBD is extracted from the plant and then diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or hemp seed.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works just like all other cannabinoids by attaching itself to certain receptors in order to produce its desired effects. The immune system contains CB2 receptors, which affect pain and inflammation. By attaching itself to these CB2 receptors, cannabidiol assists the body to lower the rate of inflammation and strengthen the immune system. This is the reason CBD Oil is effective as a food additive, supplement, and alternative medicine.

The benefits of getting CBD from Lone Star Organix CBD

Pure CBD

As mentioned, one of the main concerns that people have when dealing with CBD oil is whether it will be pure or if it will have some THC content. Products from Joy Organics have been separated professionally, which means that they contain zero THC, and will not cause any psychoactive effects.


There is no better way of gauging the effectiveness of a product than how much the seller expresses their confidence in it. Lone Star Organix believes in the CBD Oil so much that we are ready to give you a 45-day money-back guarantee if you use the oil and are dissatisfied. You can rest assured that you will be asking for another bottle by the end of the month.

Increased absorption rate

It is common to hear people expressing worry over the absorption rate of CBD Oil. The technique that has been used in the manufacture of Joy Organics’ CBD oil is so effective that you will have to take at least four times the amount of a competitor’s product before you get the same results. You will get relief from your pain as soon as you start using their product and you will need a smaller dose to deal with your condition completely.

Local and organic origins

When looking for a natural remedy, you want to make sure that the product is sourced from local and certified organic sources. Lone Star Organix CBD oil and other products in our range are grown locally, and some of the things that we pride themselves in are rigorous farming and production standards, unlike our competitors who have to source their product from unverified international sources.


The best thing about getting Lone Star Organix CBD oil is that it contains the full range of cannabinoids in our PCR hemp product. When you purchase our product, you will not only get the benefits that would have been possible with the CBD oil alone but also with all cannabinoids and terpenes which work together. This is coupled with very stringent measures in manufacturing standards control and a commitment to quality. All the products are produced and packaged according to FDA guidelines.

More benefits of CBD Oil & Products

If you are a first-time buyer, you probably need to acquaint yourself with the benefits of the products itself which include:

  • Natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Relief from cravings and withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking and other drugs
  • Relief for patients with epilepsy and other mental health disorders
  • Cancer-fighting properties
  • Dealing with anxiety disorders such as PTSD, borderline personality disorder, and OCD
  • Diabetes and acne.

Of course, you will only reap these health benefits when you get a genuine product from Joy Organics. You can consult us through their website and look at all the products that we have on offer. We are able to deliver the products countrywide and, as mentioned, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee for all our customers. Make your order today and start your journey to complete wellness.

Where to find all CBD products in Fort Worth, TX?

Unfortunately, Lone Star Organix CBD oil products are not yet in local stores in Fort Worth. Not to worry! We provide complimentary shipping or next day delivery when your order exceeds $100.00 to all residents in Fort Worth, TX.

We are currently also providing a 10% discount to new CBD oil users in Texas. Just use coupon “TEXAS 10” at checkout to redeem.

Click here to visit our online CBD oil shop.

Step 1: Organic Farming

Learn more About Joy’s
100% Organic Process


All Natural CBD Goodness

Pharmaceutical Grade CBD Hemp Oil / Made in USA For Texas